
So close you can almost taste that freshly roasted coffee

Its almost go time.  I can't believe it.  Degeme's bag is done.  Our bag filled with clothing to donate is done.  We have to pack ourselves tomorrow and then that'll be it.  We'll drop Brie (our laid back black lab that we adore) off at my parent's place.  We'll cross off the last few things on our list or just realize we didn't even need them on there in the first place.  We'll attempt to get some sleep, and then in the wee hours of the morning, my husband's parents will graciously come load us up and drive us to the airport. I cannot believe we're really, really going to be on a plane and headed over to begin our family of 3.  It's amazing.  Sitting here on the couch in a quiet home, the dog is snoring and my husband is fast asleep upstairs while my mind runs a mile a minute.  It's not even all important stuff, some of it's just random stuff. Exactly like that book Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti.  I'm doing the spaghetti part like.a.pro. :)

We are really looking forward to this trip for so many reasons. One of them is because I have been so drawn to spend time at Korah.  We met an remarkable man of God on our first trip. His name is Bisrat, and I long for each and every single one of you reading these words to hear his story.  It will bring tears to your eyes.  It has the power to change your life.  He has lived in Korah and comes to serve us as our translator while we stay in Addis Ababa.  Even more, he serves our souls.  Watch this linked video below.  Although it doesn't feature any of the friends we've met yet, it shares the story of Korah and of Mission Ethiopia (an organization we'll hopefully get to visit).  My goal is to simply show Love to every person I am priveldged to meet.  One of the things Mission Ethiopia does is make necklaces.  I brought one home in June and it is just beautiful. It's handmade, from the Earth, and it's character speaks to the woman's hands who made it.  I absolutely love it and hope to be able to bring some home with us.  (To watch the video, you can pause the music below if you scroll to the bottom of our blog)

Finally, (I know you're thinking I ought to wrap it up about now)....there is a blogger woman named Jen Hatmaker.  Some of you may be familiar with her name because she is well known among the adoptive community.  Just this past week, Jen posted a fantastic message titled "How to be the Village".  Please, please, please, take some time and read this.  I found myself laughing out loud at her hilarious, but oh so true comments about the life families like Justin and I have chosen.  Thank you for being our village!

Click here to read her blog:  http://jenhatmaker.com/blog/2011/11/02/how-to-be-the-village#.TrH3-Z7PbLI.facebook


erica said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip!!! And yes, the coffee is as good as ever!!! We head home tomorrow with our boys. So glad that your little girl will soon be in your arms forever!!! Have a great week! :)

...I Thought I Loved You Then said...

Beautiful video. Praying for safe travels for you and your family of 3 as I catch up on blogs this morning!

Evan said...

I have been thinking about you all so much lately! I am just over the moon that your sweet family will finally be together.
Korah is a very special place. It has been in my heart since we were there in 2010. Now that we are doing work in Wonji, Ethiopia we have been given the feeling that we have been called to take up roots half way across the world with our new ET family. Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives and changes all the plans we make for ourselves into a life that souly glorifies Him. I LOVE IT! Congratulations, have a great trip, enjoy every moment!

Anonymous said...

beautiful post, Kati. praying for you all. overjoyed that at last you're bringing home your little girl. rejoicing in God's faithfulness. blessings and safe travels!
(a CHI momma in waiting!)